
  • Ewepụghị Glass Machinesa Machine nwụnye General Ntuziaka

    Ewepụghị Glass Machinesa Machine nwụnye General Ntuziaka

    Flat Washer Installation General Instruction 1. The center line of the rubber roller in the infeed conveyor is aligned with the center line of the front equipment. The horizontal line is connected, or according to the site's unilateral connection method. 2. After confirming the placement positio...
  • Ntụzi ọkpụrụkpụ Idozi Ntụzi

    Ntụzi ọkpụrụkpụ Idozi Ntụzi

    Glass Washing Thickness Adjustment Commissioning   Take 3mm thickness glass washing for example Before Washing,   1. Find the Zero Point (Pinch rollers and lower rolllers touch each other) 2. Check the rotation direction of brush and lower rollers     When Washing See if 3...
  • Ultrathin electronic iko nhazi ngwaahịa ahịa na ihe ịma aka ibikọ ọnụ

    Ultrathin electronic iko nhazi ngwaahịa ahịa na ihe ịma aka ibikọ ọnụ

    Site na mmepe na-aga n’ihu nke ụlọ ọrụ ngosipụta, a na-emelite teknụzụ igwe elele eletriki ma dị elu. N'ụzọ dị iche, teknụzụ ụrọ ụrọ dị ugbu a karịa teknụzụ ndị na-ahụ maka iko dị elu, nwere nkenke dị elu, mma dị elu, nhazi ...
  • Ulo elu: onyinye ndi ohuru nyere aka belata onu ahia di nkpa

    Ulo elu: onyinye ndi ohuru nyere aka belata onu ahia di nkpa

    Companylọ ọrụ ahụ weputara akụkọ kwa afọ nke 2018, yana ego nke ijeri ijeri narị atọ na iri isii, 6464, mmụba kwa afọ nke 2.4%, nha uru nke 407 nde yuan, afọ na-agbadata 4.5%, ewepu uru na-abụghị net nke Nde 370 nde, mmefu afọ-9%, na -adabere n'ahịa ahịa. Azụmaahịa ...
  • A na-atụ anya na uru ahịa iko iko ga-agafe ijeri 14.96 na 2026 na ntanetị nke uto nke 7.5%

    A na-atụ anya na uru ahịa iko iko ga-agafe ijeri 14.96 na 2026 na ntanetị nke uto nke 7.5%

    Dị ka akụkọ Global Market Insights si kwuo, ọnụahịa ahịa nke iko akpaaka ga-agafe ijeri yuan 14.96 na 2026, yana mmụba nke 7.5%. Mmepụta dị egwu na ire nke ụgbọ ala eletrik ọhụrụ ga-eme ka nkwalite ahịa nke ụlọ ọrụ dịkwuo elu. Frontier omume Ndị ahịa na-ahọrọ ...
  • New Fortune ga-aga ahia ahia teknụzụ iko 2020 na dusseldorf, German, na Ọktọba afọ ọzọ

    New Fortune ga-aga ahia ahia teknụzụ iko 2020 na dusseldorf, German, na Ọktọba afọ ọzọ

    Glasstec will be held from October 20, 2020 to October 23, 2020 at the glass technology trade exhibition in Dusseldorf, Germany. Welcome new and old customers to visit and guide! The Dusseldorf international glass technology exhibition (Glasstec) is the world's largest professional exhibition in ...
  • New Fortune ga-abịa ihe ngosi ụlọ ọrụ iko iko mba ụwa nke Shanghai nke 2020 na Mee n'afọ na-esote

    New Fortune ga-abịa ihe ngosi ụlọ ọrụ iko iko mba ụwa nke Shanghai nke 2020 na Mee n'afọ na-esote

    Ulo ohuru na abia na ngosiputa ihe ngosi iyu ghaa nke Shanghai n’aho 2020 site na May 7 rue 9 n’aho ozo. Nabata ndị ọhụụ na ndị ahịa ochie bịara ileta anyị ma duzie anyị. 2020 China (Shanghai) mba iko ụlọ ọrụ ngosi bụ nwere ọgụgụ isi n'ichepụta gosi ya thematic ngosi oru, ga-egosi ...
  • Nyocha ngosi

    Nyocha ngosi

    ◆ exhibition review The last exhibition covered an area of 50,000 square meters, attracting more than 600 enterprises from all over the world, and 27,837 visitors from 81 countries and regions. After the exhibition, the organizing committee made a survey on the exhibitors' information, which sho...